A feature filled WordPress interest calculator


Support for these plugins is pretty simple. You can fill in the form below, add your comments at the bottom of each page, raise a query on the wordpress support page or give me a call on 07921 859802 if you are in the UK. Unless your request or question is barmy or you are trying to sell me manly substances I will reply once I have an answer. But please make sure you give me the URL of your calculator so I can take a look at the misbehaving page.

However. New features aren’t always free. I may have to ask for payment if you want anything more than a tweak.

Page Builders

And if you use Divi, Avada or a page builder plugin like Elementor and it doesn’t work there isn’t much I can do. These themes and plugins are behemoths and really need to be burnt at the stake. Popular does not equal good.

There is no need to use a page builder, WordPress blocks can do most of what you want.

And if you are using the QuickCash or Quick Loans themes and there is a problem, contact the theme developers not me.


If you want the plugin in your own language it’s easy to do. Instructions on how to translate the plugin.

Some pages that might help

About Interest Calculations APR Amortization Settings Styling Application Forms Autoresponder Slider Examples GDPR and Privacy Bespoke Versions Translations

Enquiry From

Fill in the form below and we will be in touch soon

Your Name



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If you want to have a play with the upcoming version click here.

  1. Andy on 24 Mar 2023:

    Hi, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the compatibility of your plugin with PMT Calculator. I am interested in using your plugin to calculate the results from this URL:https://calcforme.com/pmt-calculator

    Would it be possible to integrate this feature into your plugin? I would greatly appreciate any assistance or guidance you can provide.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Reply to Andy

    • Graham on 24 Mar 2023:

      Hi Andy,

      The excel PMT function is the same as the amortisation formula used in the pro version of the plugin. Excel uses the US method of calculating repayments. The plugin provides an option to use the method used in the rest of the world. Essentially this is using effective not nominal APR.

      Reply to Graham

  2. David on 18 Nov 2022:

    Hi, are there any shortcode options for this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/repayment-calculator/ ?
    Eg. [lrc loaninitial=17500]
    I’m happy to pay for any custom work required.
    Can you please email me as the contact for on this page seems to be broken.

    Reply to David

    • Graham on 18 Nov 2022:

      Hi David,

      I can add shortcode attributes for you and even add an option for a URL query at the same time. Sending you an email with details.

      And I’ve fixed the contact form

      Reply to Graham

  3. Mark on 19 Oct 2022:

    Hello, just wondering if the plugin can do a “Balloon Repayment %” slider?
    If so, please let me know how?
    Or, if it is a custom work, can you please let me know how much you charge to add a “Balloon Repayment %” slider (similar to the Interest Rate slider).
    Thank you very much.

    Reply to Mark

    • Graham on 19 Oct 2022:

      Hi Mark.

      I have looked at adding this but it gets really complicated as every country seems to have different rules. It usually cheaper and easier so get a custom version built.

      I’ve sent you an email

      Reply to Graham

  4. Mark on 19 Oct 2022:

    Hello, can the form also include Balloon Payment % Slider? (similar to the interest rate slider).
    Thanks in advance.

    Reply to Mark

  5. Paul on 14 Oct 2022:

    Hi, I used your site for creating a calculator and there is a problem with the mobile site not getting the numbers appear on the slider and I don’t know how to fix it. It is working fine on the main site but it needs to be fixed on the mobile site. Can you send me an email please and then I will provide further details to you. Thanks

    Reply to Paul

  6. Wale on 28 Jan 2021:

    Hi, I want this sample for loan form but not yearly repayment the loan is 15days and 20days https://variants.loanpaymentplugin.com/investment-application/

    Reply to Wale

    • Graham on 27 Feb 2021:

      Hi Wale,
      We have exchanged email on this topic. Still waiting for your reply.

      Reply to Graham

  7. Nora on 22 Mar 2020:

    Does the local calculator integrate with WP Forms? Also, can it be modified to generate a repayment schedule / table that can be emailed to a user?

    (btw, support form math captcha isn’t working, keeps repeating ‘Answer the sum, please’ even with correct input)

    Reply to Nora

    • Graham on 22 Mar 2020:

      Hi Nora,
      There is no integration with any forms but you can send the data to a form as a URL query which may work for you. Creating a repayment schedule is possible, I have done it before, but it’s not a quick fix. Creating a PDF is possible but there is quite a lot work involved. I can quote for doing the work if you want. It would mean you get a custom version that nobody else has.

      Thanks for the heads up about the captcha, I’ll get this fixed.

      Reply to Graham

  8. Matias on 05 Mar 2020:

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\xampp\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\quick-interest-slider\settings.php on line 240

    I installed that plugin, when i want to change something, wordpress is display that error..
    🙁 Can u help?

    Reply to Matias

  9. Ryan on 20 Dec 2019:

    Hi Graham,

    I’m so sorry I just realised I messaged you on a different form. Seen your reply but nothing in my inbox or junk mail. Could you please forward me your email again, or try my personal email which I have noted below as well.


    Reply to Ryan

    • Graham on 20 Dec 2019:

      Email sent again (to both email addresses).

      Reply to Graham

  10. Ryan on 20 Dec 2019:


    Apologies if you’ve received my message already. I reached out a few days ago but I cannot see my comment in the comment feed below. I am wondering if you are able to build a custom calculator for us that we can use across 5- websites we currently have being built for a new company rebrand.

    The calculator would need the following function;

    (The answers would effect the rate thrown out)
    Drop Down: Type of Asset
    Radial Button: I consider my credit to be: Excellent, Average, Poor
    I am a: Home Owner, Tenant

    Amount of loan
    Period of loan (months)
    Representative APR:
    Payment amount: Answer

    Is this something you could help us with?

    Many Thanks,

    Reply to Ryan

    • Graham on 20 Dec 2019:

      Hi Ryan,
      I replied to your comment on the 18th and sent you an email

      Reply to Graham

  11. Artem on 31 Oct 2019:

    I really could not say it right. I want the site to have, for example, 5 pages and each has its own slider (I will have different amounts, different months and different %).

    I do not understand how I can do this using this plugin.

    Reply to Artem

    • Graham on 31 Oct 2019:

      OK I get it now. On the settings page you will see a ‘Form Selection’ section. use this to create the 5 different forms.

      Reply to Graham

  12. Artem on 31 Oct 2019:

    I have version 2.7. How can I add different counters in it? I do not see the page with their list, so that I can change each as needed …

    Reply to Artem

    • Graham on 31 Oct 2019:

      Not sure what you mean. The plugin doesn’t have counters on the sliders. If you want this I can build you one. Send me an email with a screenshot of what you want.

      Reply to Graham

  13. Artem on 31 Oct 2019:

    Hello there!

    On the site page https://lizing-p.ru/onlayn-zayem/rasschet-zayma/ I found your plugin. Now I want to transfer it to a new site on WordPress. On the example site, different calculators are added to different pages (https://lizing-p.ru/zaimi/potrebitelskiy-zayem/). Tell me, can I do this in your plugin? If so, how can I configure different parameters for different calculators?

    And the second question. I have the formula A x B x C = (D -z -e -f) = G. Each letter is a fixed or floating value. Can I add this formula to your plugin so that it is considered?

    Reply to Artem

    • Graham on 31 Oct 2019:

      Hi Artem,
      That’s not my plugin. I’ve built plugins like this before but not this one.

      If you get the upgrade, my plugin lets you add up to 5 different calculators to the website.

      Not quite sure how your formula works. You may need to get a custom version of the plugin if you want to use this.

      Reply to Graham

  14. Nick Banduch on 30 Oct 2019:

    Hi, I am trying to setup interest fixed at 9.9% APR with payment term options set as months , with replayments as months. How the caluculations are not working out correctly. For example:
    Loan amount to borrow £1,650 with repayment option of 36 Months say “Your repayments are £50.37 every months at 9.9%” “Total you will Pay: £1,813.35” This is incorrect as should be £52.84 every months at 9.9% with Total you will pay £1,092.13. What settings do I need to enter into your loanpayment plugin to achieve this. Also, how do I change termbutton thats in Green to have {background-color: #fddb00;} as I cant see any setting to change termbuttons.

    Look forward to your kind reply

    Nick Banduch

    Reply to Nick Banduch

    • Graham on 30 Oct 2019:

      Hi Nick,
      I’ve replied to your email. Key is to make sure you are using European Amortisation.

      Reply to Graham

  15. Arin on 15 Oct 2019:


    I’ve worked with my client to put together a mortgage calculator on her homepage (great job – it looks fantastic!) and she’s asked whether it’s possible to create an affordability calculator too. We’ve got the pro version. Is this doable? Cheers!

    Reply to Arin

    • Graham on 15 Oct 2019:

      Hi Arin,
      Anything is possible! If you can tell me how you do the calculations I can figure out a way to either add this to the plugin or build you a bespoke version.

      Reply to Graham

  16. Dexter on 13 May 2019:

    Hello, I wanted to know about the possibility of including an account for each registered client, such that they could apply for the loan and then if they are approved, their debts will be shown in the account and as they pay up, their account balance will be updated to reflect their balances. So they can log in at any time to view their balance and possibly apply for more loans if they are permitted by the loan agency. Also I wanted to know about the possibility of including some settings in the plugin, after incorporating the account settings, such that if for instance the client owes a certain amount, his request for an additional loan will be automatically denied. I believe that including the accounts, if it is not already part of the plugin, will be very beneficial as most agencies would love to keep track of their regular customers and maintain their relationship with them. I look forward to a reply on this soon, thank you.

    Reply to Dexter

    • Graham on 13 May 2019:

      Hi Dexter,
      I had a couple of people ask about this before. The big problem is managing the payments. There are thousands of banks and payment providers around the world each with their own API and publication criteria. This means you would need a bespoke version for each bank if they even grant you access to customer data.

      You could of course manually update each customer when they make a payment but this would mean a lot of work for you.

      So it’s all possible – but not easy and not necessarily cheap.

      Reply to Graham

  17. Esmeralda on 10 May 2019:

    Hello, how are you? I upgrade my plugin to pro. I need help with some issue I’ve already send you a support ticket. Can you help me please? Thank you!

    Reply to Esmeralda

    • Graham on 10 May 2019:

      Hi Esmerelda,
      I answered your email on 2 May and again today (10 May)

      Reply to Graham

  18. Stefana Deka on 09 Apr 2019:

    I need help making all the features appear on the Loans page.. only a few show right now.

    I think it’s an amazing plugin (I thank you for its creation.

    Reply to Stefana Deka

    • Graham on 09 Apr 2019:

      What features do you want to use?

      Reply to Graham

  19. minores on 22 Dec 2018:

    Hello. You have a good plugin, but not quite what I need.
    I would like something like this https: // creditop .com.ua (without a space). I would like to know how much something like this will cost?

    Reply to minores

    • Graham on 22 Dec 2018:

      Hi Minores,
      it really depends on how close you want it to look like creditop. The pro version of the plugin already allows you to have up to 10 forms and display most of the data from the creditop site. If you just want me to change the styling then the cost will be low. If you want me replicate creditop with all the calculations then the cost goes up. I’m sending you an email with more details

      Reply to Graham

  20. Alex on 13 Dec 2018:

    I meant the output in the filter companies, not in the calculator itself. What would be next to each company displayed the amount of overpayment.

    Reply to Alex

  21. Alex on 13 Dec 2018:

    Is it possible to add a field “commission”? This refers to the total amount minus the loan amount, how much to overpay.
    Or at least replace instead of “repayments”.

    Reply to Alex

  22. Alex on 13 Dec 2018:

    I’m sorry) I do not know how I could have overlooked so) I wanted to do this through a calculator plugin)
    Already figured out what’s what, thank you, the perfect plugin)

    Is it possible to add a rating (stars)? So that users can vote and display under the logos.

    Reply to Alex

    • Graham on 13 Dec 2018:

      This isn’t easy. You would need to moderate the votes or you will get spammed to death. You then need to collate the votes and turn them into the overall rating. Complicated and probably expensive.

      Reply to Graham

  23. Alex on 13 Dec 2018:

    Also a good option) But how to link my data (for example, amount), with the calculator itself? Is there any instruction? or how to do it?

    Reply to Alex

    • Graham on 13 Dec 2018:

      All the plugins allow you to enter your own data, settings and other parameters.

      Reply to Graham

  24. Alex on 13 Dec 2018:

    I would like to make such a calculator filter – http: //gerald.loanpaymentplugin.com. But I do not quite understand how to make filtering, when changing the amount.

    Reply to Alex

  25. Alex on 10 Dec 2018:

    Hello. I bought the PRO version, but I would like a filter calculator. What is needed for this? A separate setting, or is it not particularly difficult to do yourself?

    Reply to Alex

    • Graham on 11 Dec 2018:

      Not quite sure what you mean Alex. Do you have an example of a calculator that uses filters

      Reply to Graham

  26. gilberto scott on 06 Dec 2018:


    I have a question

    when buying the license that would be activated to use the plugin

    this it my email


    Reply to gilberto scott

    • Graham on 06 Dec 2018:

      Hi Gilberto,
      Not quite sure what you are asking. Have you upgraded or do you want to upgrade?

      Reply to Graham

  27. Yaki Morad on 28 Nov 2018:


    I am trying to adapt the plugin to an excel payments calculation, but none of the suggested interest types seems to fit.
    Here is the formulas used to calculate the repayment amounts and interest:

    I have managed to simplify the payement calculation formula to P=rC*(1+r)^n /(C(1+r)^n-1)

    P = repayment amount
    r = interest rate per period
    C = Current loan amount
    n = number or repayments
    I = Interest per repayment
    cP= Current repayment out of n

    Is there any way you can help me implement these formulas into the plugin?

    Thank you,

    Reply to Yaki Morad

    • Graham on 28 Nov 2018:

      Hi Yaki,
      I did reply to your email. The formula you are using is a derivation of the standard amortisation formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amortization_calculator. This is the same formula I use on the site. If the numbers do not match then I suspect the problem is your settings. Have you compared your figures with the online calculator here, here or here. They all use the same formula.

      But if you want me to use your formula I can add this as an option. The cost will be £90.

      Reply to Graham

  28. Christoffer Bergström on 27 Nov 2018:

    Hello, in the application settings i can not add an input i want, in sweden we have “Personalnumbers” and thats very important for me to have in this loan application. I can see on the “Full Application” tab that i can add what i want, but that application does not show up for me. So im trying to use the regular application tab but then im missing 1 input 😛 i can put “Personalnumber” as the Message type, but that will not look great at all, can you add like maybe 3 more alternatives where i can put whatever i want in the form, or fix the “Full application” or i need to use another plugin, easy fix for you tho right?

    Reply to Christoffer Bergström

    • Graham on 28 Nov 2018:

      Hi Christoffer,
      I can easily add new fields. Do you want them all in section 1? The full application form will only display after the part one form has been completed. I’ve also discovered it doesn’t work if you are using the alternate part one form.

      Reply to Graham

  29. Tibor on 21 Nov 2018:


    I would like to ask for help to set up the loan calculator.


    Reply to Tibor

  30. olatech101 on 25 May 2018:

    Hi Graham,

    I don’t want some fields to show on the form applications, but when i uncheck the option from the wp backend i can still see the blank fields…. pls take a loook http://fastcredit-ng.cf/ScreenShot2018.png.


    Reply to olatech101

  31. Vytautas on 23 May 2018:

    Hi, i am trying to install the plugin, but when i try to turn it on its says – critical error and

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /var/www/vhosts/e-paskolos.lt/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/quick-interest-slider/options.php on line 11

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Reply to Vytautas

    • Graham on 23 May 2018:

      Hi Vytautas,
      I have no idea why you are getting this message. Line 11 of options.php just gets the local date so there shouldn’t be an issue. I’ve uninstalled, cleared the options table, installed and activated the plugin on two different sites and didn’t get any warnings. What version of PHP are you running?

      Reply to Graham

  32. Marcio on 12 Apr 2018:

    Olá Boa tarde, ate agora nada em relação ao procedimento que perguntei, e não chegou nenhum Email pra mim.

    Reply to Marcio

    • Graham on 12 Apr 2018:

      I sent you an email on 10 April. I’ve sent it again to both your emails. / Enviei um e-mail para você no dia 10 de abril. Enviei novamente para seus dois e-mails.


      Reply to Graham

  33. Marcio on 10 Apr 2018:

    ok, muito obrigado, aguardarei o seu email.

    Reply to Marcio

  34. Marcio on 09 Apr 2018:

    Gostaria de ter uma calculadora de empréstimo que calcula de acordo com a escolha selecionado,exemplo ela escolhe um convenio do exercito, então o valor fica de acordo com ele e o numero de parcela é calculado em cima do que é selecionado. exemplo esse site.
    https://www.deucredito.com.br/ dê uma olhadinha e vê se tem como me informar se tem como fazer essas alterações nesse plugin ou se é outro tipo de plugin. Desde já agradeço

    Reply to Marcio

    • Graham on 10 Apr 2018:

      Olá Marcio,
      Parece um projeto divertido e algo que posso fazer por você. Meu português é inexistente, então vamos ter que confiar no Google Translate! irei mandar um email para você.

      Reply to Graham

  35. Unpredict2ble on 24 Mar 2018:

    I figured it out! This is exactly what I needed. Although I’m going to look at making a few tweaks, but great plugin!!!

    Reply to Unpredict2ble

    • Graham on 24 Mar 2018:

      It’s all in the shortcodes (as you have probably discovered).

      Reply to Graham

  36. Unpredict2ble on 24 Mar 2018:

    I have 3 different loans (Short term, installment, and no interest)
    I am using the upgraded pro version.
    How do I go about setting up different slider values (days, months, min/max values) for the 3 different loan types?
    Is this possible? Seems like settings only apply to a single slider.

    Reply to Unpredict2ble

  37. Philip van Vuuren on 02 Feb 2018:


    I developed a website using WP and utilized your calculator slider. The website domain is: http://cashflowconnection.co.za/

    Legislation in South Africa governs the interest rate, initiation fee etc. My client Cashflowconnection requested me to make the below changes to the tool, but it seems we will have to ask you to customize it for us?

    Can you kindly have a look and provide us with a quotation and timeline how long it will take. It is an active business so it is quite urgent please.

    See client email to me below:

    Many thanks



    Hi Philip

    I need the loan calculator to be setup with the following below, so that I can be compliance with NCR.

    Initiation fee: R15 on every 100

    Monthly fee: R2.00 per day

    Interest rate:5% which is R1.67 per day

    Example: on a R1000 loan (over 15 days)

    Initiation fee: R150.00

    Monthly fee: R30.00

    Interest rate: R25.00

    Total repayment: R1205.00

    Reply to Philip van Vuuren

    • Graham on 02 Feb 2018:

      Hi Philip,

      The initiation fee can be managed using the ‘processing fee’ function. You just need to set this to 15%. The monthly fee is a bit more complicated but doable. I’ve sent you an email setting out how this can work.

      Reply to Graham

  38. joseph on 23 Jan 2018:

    calculator keeps on telling me this (Your interest is RNaN every Weeks at 15%
    Total you will Pay: RNaN ) WHAT COULD BE THE PROBLEM?

    Reply to joseph

    • Graham on 24 Jan 2018:

      Can you send me a link to the page so I can take a look. It’s usually a configuration issue that causes the NaN (which means ‘not a number’)

      Reply to Graham

  39. Stanislav on 26 Dec 2017:

    Hi, can you help me to understand how to make a monthly payment to display?

    I have this, and all works well: http://prntscr.com/hsdzo4 (screenshot)

    And right of this field of total interest to pay i need to add amount to display: monthly interest…

    how to do this?: http://prntscr.com/hse09a (screenshot of what i need)

    Thank you!

    Reply to Stanislav

    • Graham on 26 Dec 2017:

      Hi Stanislav,
      There isn’t a shortcode that gives you the interest for each week/month/year. It’s possible to do the calculations but it’s not a quick bit of coding. If you are able to contribute to the development I’ll create up the shortcode for you.

      Reply to Graham

  40. Lora Lee on 25 Nov 2017:

    Hello can you customise a plugin similar to Comparison slider with filters or Barry, comparing currency exchange rates instead of bank loans?

    Reply to Lora Lee

    • Graham on 25 Nov 2017:

      Hi Lora,
      This can be done. It’s also possible to use FX feeds to automatically update the exchange rate. To give you a quote I need details of what inputs and outputs you need. The sliders won’t need to change much but I need to know what you want in each comparison row. Can you send it over to graham at aerin.co.uk

      Reply to Graham

  41. Peter on 07 Jun 2017:

    Where is the payment page so I can pay the $10 for the upgrade? I’ve looked all over.

    Reply to Peter

    • Graham on 07 Jun 2017:

      Hi Peter,
      Click on the application form tab and you will see an upgrade link. And I’ve nearly got a new version ready with lots of new features for the pro version

      Reply to Graham

  42. Daki on 30 May 2017:

    Good day Graham
    I am very thankful to have come across this plugin, it is my answer… thanks a lot 🙂
    How can I access the PRO version? and can I also add a button on the slider as on https://www.wonga.co.za/ to take applicants to a registration form? create a form with a password?

    Have a great day further.


    Reply to Daki

    • Graham on 30 May 2017:

      Hi Daki,
      You access the pro version by clicking on the upgrade link on the ‘Application Form’ tab. You can add a button to the form by editing the qis_display function in quick-interest-slider.php.

      Reply to Graham

      • Daki on 30 May 2017:

        Hi Graham, I managed to access the Pro version and look forward to your continued support 🙂
        Keep well

        Reply to Daki

  43. Den on 04 May 2017:

    Hi! Thanks for You plugin! It’s GREAT PLUGIN! My friend and I wish You Health, Love one’s business and next create GREAT things!!!! From Kazahstan, from Yura and DEN!!!
    A little bit Russian sign: Счастья, крепкого здоровья и много ярких эмоций!!!!

    Reply to Den

    • Graham on 04 May 2017:

      Спасибо вам и привет из Англии!

      There is a new version on the way that is translation ready and with some new features. Would you like a beta copy to play with?

      Reply to Graham

  44. Katie on 16 Dec 2016:

    Hi ! Thank you for your work, it’s great !
    I have a question. Is it possible to add a third column of rate interest ?

    Sorry if my english is bad.

    Have a nice day.

    Reply to Katie

    • Graham on 16 Dec 2016:

      Hi Katie,
      Yes, this is possible. Can’t do it right now but I should be able to sort it in the next few days for you.

      Reply to Graham

      • Katie on 17 Dec 2016:

        It’s a good news. I would be very grateful !

        Reply to Katie

        • Katie on 02 Jan 2017:

          Hi Graham ! How are you ?
          If you still can help me, the calculator would be for the new french website : http://www.spirituva.com
          Hope you will see this message.


          Reply to Katie

      • Lee on 18 Jan 2017:

        Hi Graham

        I could really do with having a 3rd column for interest for my website too.

        When would this option be ready to use?

        Many thanks


        Reply to Lee

        • Graham on 04 May 2017:


          Do you still want another interest column? If so let me know and I will send you the update to test.

          Reply to Graham

    • Graham on 04 May 2017:


      Do you still want another interest column? If so let me know and I will send you the update to test.

      Reply to Graham

  45. Nicolás on 28 Nov 2016:

    How to traslate the “Month” and “Year” Word into the Quick Interest Slider?

    Reply to Nicolás

    • Graham on 28 Nov 2016:

      I can add editable labels to the plugin settings. Give me until tomorrow to get this sorted.

      Reply to Graham

  46. Tommy on 30 Sep 2016:

    Hi! Is this plugin compatible with WordPress 4.6? It shows currencies wrong and calculates strange. I really would like to use it, it´s perfect for my needs.


    Reply to Tommy

    • Graham on 30 Sep 2016:

      Yes it is. What is wrong with the currencies and what is strange about the calculations?

      Reply to Graham

      • Tommy on 04 Oct 2016:

        Hi Graham,
        Please check your mail.
        Best regards

        Reply to Tommy

  47. David on 09 Sep 2016:

    How I can set the monthly interest and no annual ?

    Reply to David

    • Graham on 10 Sep 2016:

      You would need to change the calculation. If you can send me details of how you want the interest calculated and I’ll add the option to the plugin.

      Reply to Graham

  48. nipa on 12 Apr 2016:

    How can i change interest rate ..instead of having fixed values.i would like to select the rate or put a rate.

    Reply to nipa

    • Graham on 12 Apr 2016:

      Hi Nipa,
      Do you mean the visitor can select or enter an interest rate? Or do you want different interest rates for each amount/term?

      Reply to Graham

Reply to Alex

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