A feature filled WordPress interest calculator

Loan Repayment Calculator

An awesome, feature filled, responsive, loan and repayment calculator plugin for WordPress. Easy to use, clear and simple setup and just a single shortcode needed to display the form on your site.

The plugin is ideal for finance calculations, payday loans, fixed fee payments, regular payments, savings and pretty much anything else that gets calculated from a variable amount.

$1,000 Borrowing: $20,000
6 yearfor this long: 60 years
$0 Downpayment $10,000
Loan Breakdown

Downpayment Principal Admin Fee Interest

With a downpayment of your repayments at interest will be every month.
Total you will Pay:

What you see above is the pro version.

Download From WordPress


See All the Features

Variants and Custom Versions

I’ve built loads of variants over the years. These are some of them:

Credit Scores | Mortgage Repayments | Stamp Duty | Charity Donations | Buttons | Custom Application Form | Credit Union loans | Bitcoins | Title Loans

See All the Variants

The New Application Form

A new calculator with a multistep application form.

Try it yourself

And now this

A general purpose repayment calculator with downpayments, credit scores, variable interest rates and even a loan type selector

Universal Repayment Calculator

Bank and Lender Comparisons

If you want to compare banks or other lenders you can now do so. A variant of the standard plugin lets uses see which banks or lenders offer the best deals

Click here for more information


  1. Juan on 06 May 2024:

    Hi, I am having some issues with the plugin, it keeps auto updating even when I’d deactivated auto update, it breaks my website each time this happens, this is very frustrating and jeopardizing my work. I am cool with the version 3.0 I’m using, because my website is configured with this version and functions perfectly. How do I go about fixing this problem? Thanks

    Reply to Juan

    • Graham on 06 May 2024:


      You should have had an email from wordpress giving the error. I suspect the problem is in the styling settings. The values can only be numbers. You can’t add any letters (eg: px or em). V3.1 was a fix to the styling calculations. I’m sending you an email so you can reply with the error message.

      Reply to Graham

  2. Jakub on 27 Feb 2021:

    Great support, fast action – The most underrated responsive and fully customizable calculator on wordpress!

    Reply to Jakub

  3. Jay on 02 Jun 2020:

    We’re looking to add Australian calculators to our website.
    May I ask if you have retirement calculators i.e. age pension age,
    preservation age, income and asset test calculators?

    Reply to Jay

    • Graham on 02 Jun 2020:

      Hi Jay,
      I don’t but these are really easy to build. All I need are the formula you use to do the calculations and I can do this for you.

      Reply to Graham

  4. dante on 27 Apr 2020:

    Are there any that would like this plugin to work for all sectors?

    Example for the comparison of couriers to send (I’m doing it)

    I think there is no better plugin on the market than this

    Ps: I sent you an email

    Reply to dante

    • Graham on 28 Apr 2020:

      Hi Dante,
      I replied to your email. You might be able to do this without much customization. Set the slider to the parcel sizes and the currency to kg. All we then need is the formula to calculate the cost for the each courier.

      Reply to Graham

      • dante on 29 Apr 2020:

        Hi Graham, I haven’t received any email 🙁

        As for personalization it should be that for each courier I can add the price based on the weight and the formula, however, is different for each courier.

        In addition, the user should be able to add the package measurements.

        Can company logos be enlarged?

        Reply to dante

  5. Em on 28 Mar 2020:


    I just discover this amazing plugin and i am testing it!

    I have a question this dosen’t have Albanian currency “LEK”

    How can i add it ?

    Reply to Em

    • Graham on 28 Mar 2020:

      Hi Em,
      Not sure what you mean. You can use any currency you like, it’s just a symbol that goes in front of the amount.

      Reply to Graham

  6. Oluwagbenga on 09 Mar 2020:

    How can i make the plugin send mail as soon as loan is approved

    Reply to Oluwagbenga

    • Graham on 10 Mar 2020:

      All the plugin can do is notify you if someone has applied. It doesn’t know if you or the bank approves the loan. I’m investigating adding a module where people can see if their loan is pending/approved/completed but this isn’t ready yet.

      Reply to Graham

      • Oluwagbenga on 10 Mar 2020:

        This would be a fantastic one.
        Please let us know as soon as it is ready.

        Reply to Oluwagbenga

        • Graham on 10 Mar 2020:

          It will probably be a couple of weeks before I get round to doing this.

          Reply to Graham

        • Graham on 12 Mar 2020:

          I’ve sent you an email with links to a demo

          Reply to Graham

  7. kelvin on 02 Mar 2020:

    what is email?

    Reply to kelvin

    • Graham on 02 Mar 2020:

      mail at quick-plugins.com

      Reply to Graham

    • Graham on 05 Mar 2020:

      I keep sending you emails but they are being blocked by hotmail. I don’t do the translations. You have to do the translations yourself.

      Reply to Graham

  8. kelvin on 28 Feb 2020:

    I purchased the Pro version and would like to know if you have no way to give the Portuguese translation file

    Reply to kelvin

    • Graham on 28 Feb 2020:

      Hi Kelvin,
      You can send the file to mail at quick-plugins.com. I will then include it in the next update

      Reply to Graham

  9. Praveen Kumar on 03 Dec 2019:


    I am using the Loan Comparison plugin with the extension support plugin.

    here I am using WP Multisite for my new site and the Loan Comparison Extension is not
    Supporting/Compatible with multisite this Environment and its throwing the below error.

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()

    Reply to Praveen Kumar

    • Graham on 03 Dec 2019:

      That looks like a configuration issue with your multisite. The function is valid and is only called after WP has loaded.

      Reply to Graham

  10. Adman on 07 Oct 2019:

    I want the lenders to create accounts and update the loan details on their own. How much to customize? Amd how long?

    Reply to Adman

  11. Shaun Kelly on 18 Sep 2019:

    How do we download the fist simple calculator? Can we edit this to Australian dollars and change the colouring- we have a wordpress site?

    Reply to Shaun Kelly

  12. Leonard on 09 Sep 2019:

    The short codes are not working
    Your repayments are [amount] every [period] at [rate]

    Reply to Leonard

    • Graham on 09 Sep 2019:

      Hi Leonard,
      Can you send me a link to the page. I’ve just tested and the shortcodes are all working for me.

      Reply to Graham

  13. Olaf on 20 Aug 2019:

    Hello, button from my comparison disappeared

    Reply to Olaf

  14. mat on 08 Aug 2019:

    Can I remove sign h6 from this section? When I set h6 i have to se h1,h2,h3,h4,h5. h4 and h5 on my site is too much. Better to remove h6 from this section and everythink will be fine. When I turn off section More Info, my ,,example” is behind the frame

    Reply to mat

  15. mat on 08 Aug 2019:

    Graham I want to show field ,,More info” but I have still problem. Take a look at my site. If I show section ,,More Info” all content from this section is in h6. In result all h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 are empty. How Can I remove h6 from section ,,More info”

    Reply to mat

    • Graham on 08 Aug 2019:

      The more info section doesn’t work like that. It’s just four text areas for you to add whatever you want. Each of these sections has a label. This label is an H6 which you can style however you want.

      Reply to Graham

  16. mat on 07 Aug 2019:

    To better understanding, when I turn on option ,,More information” all fields from this part are h6. How can I remove h6 from this content?

    Reply to mat

    • Graham on 07 Aug 2019:

      In the settings scroll down to ‘More Info Settings’ and clear the labels.

      Reply to Graham

  17. Mat on 07 Aug 2019:

    A part of my question has been hidden. I Have problem with ….I implemented widget and all h1,h2… are empty. How can I fill in od remove it?

    Reply to Mat

    • Graham on 07 Aug 2019:

      Hi Mat,
      Not quite sure why you are asking here – all the support for the loan comparison plugin is here: https://bankcomparisonplugin.com/

      However, to answer your question, there are no h1 and h2 in the plugin.

      Reply to Graham

  18. Mat on 07 Aug 2019:

    How can I set or delated it from my page? I implemented your widget, looks fantastic! But i have problem with …

    Reply to Mat

    • Graham on 07 Aug 2019:

      The shortcode is [qis]. To remove it from the page just delete the shortcode.

      Reply to Graham

  19. frank on 27 Jul 2019:

    How do you change the font shown? when the plugin is displayed??

    Reply to frank

    • Graham on 28 Jul 2019:

      Hi Frank,
      The font is set by your theme.

      Reply to Graham

  20. Sir Costa on 18 Jul 2019:

    very nice repayment calculator plugin easy to use and easy to understand

    Reply to Sir Costa

  21. Christoffer on 28 Jan 2019:

    Hello Graham, have not recieved any updates. I messaged you around 1 month ago asking for you to just give me one more input to use for application, you have around 3 working inputs, cant you just copy paste code and rename it? Should not be more harder than that 🙂 Thank you in advance, i really need this…

    Reply to Christoffer

    • Graham on 28 Jan 2019:

      I sent you an email about this. It’s not as simple as copying and pasting, I need to change multiple functions in 3 different files to accommodate the new fields. As it’s a couple of hour’s work I asked for a financial contribution to help cover the development costs.

      Reply to Graham

  22. Stian on 23 Dec 2018:

    Hello Graham.

    I can’t get the calculations right on the repayment amount.. (Norway)
    Comparing it to other bank calculators the repayment amount is not the same.

    Which one of the interest examples do I have to use?

    Thank you in advance.

    Reply to Stian

    • Graham on 23 Dec 2018:

      Hi Stian,
      What interest type are you using? Repayments are normally calculated using Amortisation.

      Reply to Graham

  23. Nancy Jim on 18 Dec 2018:

    Hi – we are using the loan calculator on http://www.itelgroup.co.uk/products-services/finance-leasing/
    but the calculations aren’t coming up correctly following the setup we have added. We have a rate card with the different lending amounts and interest rates. Are you able to help if I can email you the rate card pls?


    Reply to Nancy Jim

    • Graham on 18 Dec 2018:

      You are using the European amortisation repayment method and the figures are correct. All the online calculators use the US amoritization formula which is different. If you switch to the US amortization interest type the numbers will be the same.

      Reply to Graham

  24. Mar-loie on 13 Dec 2018:

    How can I make a customized application form and loan calculator?

    Reply to Mar-loie

    • Graham on 13 Dec 2018:

      You pay me and I build it for you. Send me an email with your specification and I can quote for the work.

      Reply to Graham

  25. Separator on 13 Dec 2018:

    thanks Graham,
    is there a way to take the data from the banks via API or something? or it depends on each bank separately if they provide such thing?

    Reply to Separator

    • Graham on 13 Dec 2018:

      There are thousands of banks around the world and the plugin is used in all sorts of different ways so the chances of finding any sort of API is almost zero.

      Reply to Graham

  26. Christoffer on 12 Dec 2018:

    waiting for update bro 😀

    Reply to Christoffer

  27. Separator on 11 Dec 2018:

    hi there,
    i want to use this plugin for a client. he wants to display different banks, brokers etc… just like Comparia. can you explain this a bit more how these get displayed? can you choose which ones to display in the comparison list? how the plugin gets the information for which banks or brokers to diplsay? do i need to purchase the premium to achieve this? thanks!

    Reply to Separator

    • Graham on 12 Dec 2018:

      Go get the freebie: https://wordpress.org/plugins/loan-comparison/ You can add, remove and edit the banks, change the order they display or hide the ones you don’t want to display. The data is not imported from the banks, you add it yourself. If you want all the bells and whistles you need to upgrade to PRO.

      Reply to Graham

  28. christoffer on 11 Dec 2018:

    i just want one more, named personalnumber, but that doesnt matter does it? 🙂 maybe add more than 1 optional if someone needs in the future. Thanks! when you fixed this it will give me message about update for the plugin right? sry kinda new to wordpress. I like the plugin tho! great work

    Reply to christoffer

  29. Christoffer on 11 Dec 2018:

    The application form has Name, Email and telephone as inputs, i wanna add more. Can you add 1 or more inputs as optional? I have everything i need in Full application form but thats not working.

    Reply to Christoffer

    • Graham on 11 Dec 2018:

      Hi Christoffer,
      There are a whole load of bugs with the full application form that I’ve nearly fixed. Should be ready for testing later today. How many other fields do you want on the part one form?

      Reply to Graham

  30. kudzi on 04 Dec 2018:

    Hi, is there a different way of displaying the form other than scrolling down..is it possible for it to have pagination down to click next to go to the next section?

    Reply to kudzi

    • Graham on 04 Dec 2018:

      It is possible and I have built a version for a client that does just this. But because every form will be different it’s not easy to make this work on the standard plugin.

      Reply to Graham

  31. Erik on 15 Oct 2018:

    Hi, the harold one is great (especially with the interest rate being adjustable as well). What would that cost? Thanks!

    Reply to Erik

  32. Graham on 30 Sep 2018:

    Hi Deepak,
    The plugin can already do the calculations. The part that you don’t get is the pie chart and the layout options. If you want these features I can do them for you. Do you have a development budget?

    Reply to Graham

  33. Eric Hammer on 05 Sep 2018:

    Hi there,

    I am setting up a series of loan websites. If I buy the upgrade does it apply for all sites we own or just one?

    Reply to Eric Hammer

    • Graham on 06 Sep 2018:

      Hi Eric,

      It’s a single site license but if you contact me directly I can sort out a multi-site key.

      Reply to Graham

  34. Graham on 22 Aug 2018:

    I’ve sent you an email. You can customize the plugin – but the changes you want may not be simple as there is a lot of JavaScript managing the outputs. Yes, it’s a WordPress plugin.

    Reply to Graham

  35. arturo navarro on 11 Aug 2018:

    I bought the pro version, but I do not like the form to scroll down, I want it to always appear, apart from the button that makes it move down I can not modify the font

    compre la version pro, pero no me gusta que el formulario se desplace hacia abajo, quiero que aparezca siempre, aparte el boton que hace que se desplace hacia abajo no puedo modificar la letra fuente

    Reply to arturo navarro

  36. joseph on 04 May 2018:

    Please can i recieve my loan payments automatically using this plugin

    Reply to joseph

    • Graham on 04 May 2018:

      Hi Joseph,
      This is just a calculator. It doesn’t receive or manage payments. The rules and regulations regarding loans and repayments around the world are far too complicated for me to create a universally acceptable payment processor.

      Reply to Graham

  37. Tony on 09 Mar 2018:


    I have troubles viewing the calculator, could you please advice?



    Reply to Tony

    • Graham on 09 Mar 2018:

      Where did the [mortgagecalculator] shotcode originate? It’s not part of my plugin

      Reply to Graham

  38. Marcus on 04 Feb 2018:

    Is there any possibility to send the wanted value of the rates and the credit ammopunt to cf7 ?

    Reply to Marcus

    • Graham on 04 Feb 2018:

      Hi Marcus,
      In the pro version you can send the slider values as query. Go to the bottom of the settings page for the parameters.

      Reply to Graham

  39. Steve Lademann on 21 Oct 2017:


    Great plug-in, keep up the good work! I’m currently preparing a website for a credit union and the loan calculator plug-in will be a great addition to assist our members in making decisions. I’ve upgraded to the PRO version as I need the amortisation feature.

    I’ve had to customise the code somewhat to enable output of equivalent APR as well as monthly interest, (it’s a UK requirement) and in the process found a couple of small issues which you may wish to know about. The first is in the quick-interest-slider.php file around line 119. I’ve included my updated version below.

    /* SL bug fix start */
    /* if ($atts[‘secondary’]) $settings[‘triggers’][1][‘rate’] = $atts[‘primary’];*/
    if ($atts[‘secondary’]) $settings[‘triggers’][1][‘rate’] = $atts[‘secondary’];
    /* SL bug fix end */

    Also, I found that a couple of shortcode attributes missing from the documentation (there may be more, but these were the two I am interested in!). They are ‘triggertype=termtrigger|amounttrigger’ and ‘amttrigger=’

    Hope this helps.

    Reply to Steve Lademann

    • Graham on 24 Oct 2017:

      Thanks Steve,
      I’ll add the bug fix and the shortcodes to the next update. If you want to send me your APR/monthly interest code I can add that as well.

      Reply to Graham

  40. john on 31 Aug 2017:

    Your repayments are [amount] every [period] at [rate] I want seem to have an option to display the [period]. [amount ]
    and [rate] is showing now but [period] is not display how can i display the period on my frond end

    Reply to john

    • Graham on 31 Aug 2017:

      Hi John, you have discovered the secret bug, set there to trap the unwary. It’s been fixed but it’s not very useful and it’s grabs the plural. It’s easier to write in the period. But if you want the fixed version it’s here: https://loanpaymentplugin.com/qis-update/

      Reply to Graham

  41. Kellee on 15 Aug 2017:

    Can you have more than one calculator on your website? With different rates and payment schedules? Thanks!

    Reply to Kellee

    • Graham on 15 Aug 2017:

      Hi Kellie,
      Yes you can. You can set everything with shortcodes

      Reply to Graham

  42. Gábor Kanyó on 16 Jul 2017:

    Hey Graham!
    The upgrade for $10 is a monthly or yearly fee or one time payment?
    Please send me the answer in email!

    Reply to Gábor Kanyó

  43. ifeoluwa on 16 May 2017:

    email do not get sent on the pro version

    Reply to ifeoluwa

    • Graham on 17 May 2017:

      What email doesn’t get sent? Do you mean the emails sent you complete an application? If so then maybe your email provider is blocking the messages. I’ve just tested the form and it’s all working for me.

      Reply to Graham

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