Bespoke Versions
There are some of the bespoke versions of the plugin I have built for clients.
Click on the images to see a demo of the plugin. Note that the styling on each is editable but set to meet the client’s wishes.
Lots more versions to see here
If you want your own version Contact Me.
Hola, me podrían indicar como puedo hacer para omitir un rango de mes, requiero colocar solo 3, 6 y 12 meses, pero al colocar el salto de meses de 3, me sale el 9 necesito omitirlo. muchas gracias.
Si ha actualizado, puede usar la opción ‘botones de término’. De esa forma podrás tener botones durante 3, 6 y 12 meses (google translation).
Hi Graham
I sent an email.earlier I am interested in the Loan switcher – two calculators in one I have the upgraded version currently but would like to know costing and time delivery
I replied to your email. There are number of ways we can do this.
Can you create something like these:
Thanks in advance. =)
Hi Chloe,
Yes I can. The calculator part isn’t complicated. But if you want all those graphics and animations it can get very expensive.
Do you have dropdown option instead of sliders in Pro?
Hi Marjorie,
No I don’t. Nobody has ever asked for this before. It’s possible to do but not a 5 minute fix. I can send you a quote for the work if you want. Probably around 2 hours to do everything.
Hi Graham,
I’ve bought the Pro Version but I can’t get the APR to work properly. Any chance you could send over the settings for the “Motorhome Finance calculator” as that’s exactly how mine should be looking?
The motorhome finance project is a bespoke version. Their calculation is unique to their version. What are you trying to do with the APR?
Hi Graham,
Ah, sorry if it seemed like I’m trying to steal the bespoke version. I just need the correct settings to get APR to work properly, it can be a simple sample or something similar if it helps.
I’m trying to set-up something that has “How much would you like to borrow”, and “Over how long?”, with different APRs based on period.
Here’s what I’ve got until now:
Thank you,
Install this:
Then in the settings click on the ‘Show all settings’ option. You will now see 7 interest triggers you can set to change the rates at set periods.
Hi Graham,
Thanks for the reply.
I’ve installed but I think I was already using this version.
Also, I already had 5 out of those 7 triggers in use.
Is there anything else you can do to point me in the right direction?
I’m obviously a bit confused as to what you want to do. The triggers is the way to change the APR based on the period. Unless you want to offer different repayment periods (eg: weekly, monthly, quarterly). If this is the case it’s a bit more complicated. You could use the Advanced Interest Options and set the rates that way.
Hi Graham, nice and straight forward plugin. It fulfills most of my needs. Does the calculated results show up on the contact form after clicked the bottom? And you mentioned that you would create a custom contact form when you get paid. How can i show you my desired layout for the contact form so you could tell me the price? THX
At the moment all you get when you submit the form is the amount and term. I should be able to fix it so you can email the repayment amount as well. Send your layout to mail at
I’m wondering if you can help. I’m currently designing a collection of new websites and we want to integrate an APR calculator that we can use across 5-6 websites.
The calculator we’re looking to use will have the following functions;
(These answers would effect the rate thrown out)
Drop Down: Type of Asset
Radial Button: I consider my credit to be: Excellent, Average, Poor
I am a: Home Owner, Tenant
Amount of loan
Period of loan (months)
Representative APR:
Payment amount: Answer
Is this something you could possibly help us with?
Hi Ryan,
I’ve got most of those options in various guises in one plugin or another. For example, the credit rating here:
I’ll send you an email with some idea of costs.
Hello Graham! I want to use your plugin on my mobile loan app. How much is bespoke version like the ones you displayed on your website? Please inbox me privately. Thanks.
Email sent
Perfecto, muchas gracias, espero el correo
Hola es posible un simulador como el de este sitio: en el cual la fecha sea a 30 días, pero con controles deslizables(sliders). quedo atento a sus comentarios Gracias.
Hi, a simulator like this site is possible: in which the date of the sea at 30 days, but with sliders (sliders). I remain attentive to your comments Thank you
Hola Guillermo,
I saw this on another site and liked how it works. I can do this for you. I will send you an email with details.
Hola buenas noches, me gustaria tener un simulador de esta forma es para mi pagina de credito, como la calculadora de esta página. Gracias
Hola Leydi,
Interesting. The whole form page seems to be a JS construct. But the form isn’t too complicated. Maybe 8 hours work. I will send you an email
hey my friend. i found the perfect one simulator for me. Can you do some simulator like this one?
please send me values if possible (to give me the chance to use and change the values in the future, like %s) i will pay the PRO VERSION and for your customization, ok!
i will use the DIV THEME from elegant Themes
thank you!
I’ve sent you an email.
hey man, how much costs the pro version? and how much costas a customized?
i need one that have 4 or 5 categories of investment pre-defined. 1 with 1%/month, anotherone with 1,9%…. like that…
and with the current numer showed on the selector
Hi Eduardo,
The pro version costs $35 – you can get this bu clicking on the ‘Upgrade’ tab.
The interest rate selector only has 4 options right now but I can add more if you want.
Hi, Graham,
I will prefer a discussion through email. I have need a complete loan plugin that can carry out these feature. Do you have any or can you help out?
Users should be able to ask for small money and pay some interest. They should have their own profile with their pictures, They should be able to register, login and out, make loan request, see approval status, see repayment status, upload necessary documents and fill forms as part of registration, and also reply for more loan after completion of existing loan. They should also be able to access history of all their loan request and payments.
Admin should be able to see and review customers loan request and documents, and make correction; also approve, put in waiting, decline, and blacklist borrower. Also download, filter and update database, add new loan products.
Website should be able to have online chat, and auto emails between borrower and admin (notifications.)
Hi Leyini,
I’ve sent you an email
I’m just wondering how much would it cost if you could customize something like the online calculator found on this site:
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Shovwan,
It looks like you just want the standard plugin but dropdowns instead of sliders. Is that correct?
Hello there. I live in Turkey. I want to create a sample credit calculation tool as in the picture. Please contact me.
Hi Emrah,
Difficult to see how that calculator works. Can you send me a link to the site so I can play with the buttons and dropdowns.
how do i purchase the CaraCU form?
can it be configured?
Also, i want to do various ones, such as one for loan, one for mortgage.
But give them the option to select bad credit, good, excellent and it will show different rates based on the selection
You can’t purchase that exact plugin but you can buy a variant. Note also that it was created for the client’s specific needs which may not work for you. I’ve sent you an email with a price.
Please is it possible for me to have like 3 types of loans in one and with different percentage??
I am looking to have like a kind of calculator where viewers can select the kind of loan they want and it gives them the repayment based on their choice(s)
Hi Debo,
If you upgrade to the pro version there is an interest rate selector that will should do the job for you.
I’m just wondering how much would it cost if you could customize something like the online calculator found on this site:
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Patrick,
I replied to your email
Hi there, I have a client who is looking for a simple “interest saved = $xxx ” type of calc. I’m unclear from your calcs on your site if any of them will do that. What I’m hoping to create is a landing page where a user can input what they are paying now, the term left on the loan, and what their interest rate is now. My client wants to be able to input the best rate he can get them (he’s a broker) and then have the calc tell them based on his rate, how much they could be saving. Is that possible with one of your calcs?
Hi Neil,
It’s not an option at the moment but I did build something similar for a real estate client some time back that did the same. Does your client want sliders or will users type in the numbers?