A feature filled WordPress interest calculator

Shortcodes in Output Messages

There are a while range of shortcodes you can use in the output message. For example:

Your repayments will be [repayment] at [rate] interest each [period].
The interest to pay is [interest] on a loan of [principle] giving a total of [total].
The repayment date is [date].

The shortcodes are:

[repayment]How much will be repaid each period
[step]The step size
[rate]The interest rate
[monthlyrate]Shows the monthly rate if the term is set to years and you are using an APR.
[interest]The interest to be paid
[processing]The processing amount
[total]The total to be repaid
[principle]The amount slider value
[term]The term slider value
[period]The period: days, weeks, months or years
[date]The repayment date. There are options to change the format in the settings
[downpayment]The downpayment value. Example
[fixeddownpayment]The fixed downpayment value
[downpaymentpercent]The downpayment percentage
[mitigated]The loan amount after the downpayment has been subtracted from the principle
  1. Mauro on 29 May 2024:

    Hey thank you for taking the time to read my request.
    I’m trying to add spacing in the “display repayment terms” field but everything is shown in a single line. Tried HTML spacing but did not work. Is there a way to ad spacing and have multiple lines?
    I’m trying to accomplish something like this:
    Text 1: [total]*
    Text 2: [term]
    Text 3: [repayment]*
    Text 4: [principle]
    Text 5: [total]*
    Text 6: [repayment]*

    Reply to Mauro

    • Graham on 29 May 2024:

      Hi Mauro,
      I had to remove the HTML options as there was a security issue. But I’m testing a version where you can select to include HTML. Or you could use the output table option. I’m sending you an email withe update to test. It may end up in your junk folder (because gmail is stupid like that).

      Reply to Graham

  2. Farai on 27 May 2024:

    Hi Graham,
    I have the Upgraded version and struggling to customise the Outputs of the floating slider outputs. ie. Font size and background.

    Reply to Farai

    • Graham on 27 May 2024:

      Hi Farai,
      Go to the styling tab and scroll to the bottom. You can set the background colour and font size.

      Reply to Graham

      • Farai on 28 May 2024:

        Hi Graham,
        I’ve tried that on the Custom CSS right at the bottom, but the form doesn’t change. Would you perhaps assist with how to edit the CSS code. I pretty much want the output to look like one of your simpler plugin with code [lcr]. Would appreciate your help please.

        Reply to Farai

        • Graham on 28 May 2024:

          Not really sure you can do what you want. The simpler plugin and many others I have built use a totally different code base. The floating option on this plugin was a bit of a bolt on for a client. I’ve never put much effort into all the details because it’s used so rarely.

          Your best bet is to use the [lrc] plugin or this one:


          Reply to Graham

          • Farai on 28 May 2024:

            Hi Graham,
            I tried the [lrc] plugin but the calculations in the code back-end likely have material errors hence I decided to upgrade my [qis]. You may try identical inputs on [qis] & [lrc] and compare the outputs. I trust the [qis] ones. I could use [lrc] if you included daily interest because using APR is giving the wrong interest. I will try the Repayments plugin you suggested.

          • Graham on 28 May 2024:

            Farai, I sold the LRC plugin a while back. Somebody else is now the developer. Daily interest is easy to implement on the plugin I suggested you use. It’s a very minor change to the code. Send me an email and we can discuss options.

          • Farai on 28 May 2024:

            Hi Graham,
            Thanks for that. I tried the suggested one and on my WordPress Installs, there is no option to access settings, only deactivate.

            I’ve looked at the other options and this link could also be ideal to solve my problem. It looks pretty much like [qis] with neater formatting which is pretty much the goal.


            The second option on this page.

            I’m not a fully fledged developer hence my struggle.

          • Graham on 28 May 2024:

            Go to the Settings link in the main dashboard menu. Select the Repayments option. There are no styling settings because this is just a freebie for developers to play with. I’ll send you an email about how to get the plugin you want.

          • Farai on 28 May 2024:

            Thanks Graham,

            I appreciate the help, thanks a lot.

            Here’s the link of what we’re trying to do so should work for now.


            Cheers and thanks. I’ve also replied to the direct email message you sent.

  3. Jerry on 01 May 2024:


    How do I achieve [interest] * [number of weeks]

    Thank you

    Reply to Jerry

    • Graham on 02 May 2024:

      Hi Jerry, can’t do that but I could add a new shortcode for interest x term. The [interest] shortcode should output the total interest to pay.

      Reply to Graham

  4. julian on 26 Feb 2024:

    hi! is there a way to perform calculations in the output options? i need [principle] *.245 and add that result to [total]

    Reply to julian

    • Graham on 26 Feb 2024:

      There are ways to add an equation editor to the plugin but it’s not simple or cheap. It would be cheaper to get one of one of the custom versions updated: https://loanpaymentplugin.com/custom-versions/

      Reply to Graham

      • julian on 26 Feb 2024:

        And if only add specific number (fixed fee) to the result of the [total] shortcode

        Reply to julian

        • Graham on 27 Feb 2024:

          It’s all the same function. You would have a text field in the settings to enter the calculation. It would be the same for a fixed fee or a multiplier.

          Reply to Graham

  5. Joseph on 16 Nov 2022:

    is there a way to perform calculations in the output options? like [total] – [principle]?

    Reply to Joseph

    • Graham on 16 Nov 2022:

      Hi Joseph,

      Not really possible. But it’s very easy to create new shortcodes that show the result you want. I can add [cost] which is total – principle. If you have paid for the pro version I can add this for free.

      Reply to Graham

  6. yebo on 22 May 2022:

    how do i configure the calculator to use reducing balance method at an interest rate of 8%?
    for example, someone wants to borrow 2,000,000 so monthly instalments will be 776,067 but ensuring the calculator shows that, i have failed

    Reply to yebo

    • Graham on 23 May 2022:

      Hi Yebo,

      You need to upgrade and select amortisation in the interest settings

      Reply to Graham

  7. Luis on 08 Dec 2021:

    what are the short codes for the Thank-you blurb only [amount] works but i need [repayment]/month for [term] with a Downpayment of [downpayment]

    Reply to Luis

  8. Jay on 09 Aug 2021:

    Hello Support Team,
    I have following working out loan repayment but could not make it happen on calculator. Please I need help.

    Here is example of Repayment Table:
    Week; 5 6 7 8 9 10
    $500: 122.50 104.17 91.07 81.25 73.61 67.50

    Working out Formula:

    Principal x Interest / # of week in a year x No.# of week
    = Answer + $50 (Hidden Fee)= Interest
    = Interest + Principal
    = Answer (Balance Payable) / No.# of week Repayable
    = Repayment per week

    Reply to Jay

  9. Sandy on 08 Jul 2020:

    Hi Graham,

    How do I go about displaying the repayment for weekly, fornightly and monthly repayment like the calculator on this page https://www.jacarandafinance.com.au/

    We will be using the paid version.

    Reply to Sandy

    • Graham on 08 Jul 2020:

      Hi Sandy,
      You can try these shortcodes: [weekly], [monthly] and [annual]. It’s been a long time since I added these so can’t remember exactly how they work.

      Reply to Graham

  10. Hein Jonker on 19 Feb 2020:

    Hi Graham.

    I have the slider running on this page – https://turnerstraveller.co.za/payment-options/
    Under the LayUp (Pay Now, Travel Later) payment option.

    I’d like to have the slider under the Mobicred (Travel Now, Pay Later) payment option as well, but here it will use an interest rate to determine the monthly repayment amounts.

    Please, can you assist?

    Reply to Hein Jonker

    • Graham on 19 Feb 2020:

      Hi Hein,
      If you have the pro version you can put two calculators on the same page.

      Reply to Graham

  11. ilan on 04 Feb 2020:

    in order to implement/learn the plugin , nothing work for me except the basic shortcode [qis]
    how do i “activate” or impliment the short code like this : [qis percentages="90,8.3,98.3,1.7"] ?

    Reply to ilan

  12. Nick Kane on 20 Oct 2019:

    Hey, is there a way to display just a weekly repayment amount, I don’t want monthly. Cheers, Nick


    Reply to Nick Kane

    • Graham on 21 Oct 2019:

      Hi Nick,
      You can output anything you like. Set the ‘Repayment Divider’ value to 52 to get weeks from years.

      Reply to Graham

  13. shaun kelly on 24 Sep 2019:

    Can I set the term to years and repayment to weeks? I set the divider to 52 but it still shows as a yearly amount

    Reply to shaun kelly

    • Graham on 24 Sep 2019:

      Hi Shaun,
      Seems to be working now. On a $2000 loan over 2 years the weekly repayments are $34

      Reply to Graham

  14. Leonard on 09 Sep 2019:

    please non of these short code are working. It’s only the [qis] codes that works. How can I make them work ?

    Reply to Leonard

    • Graham on 09 Sep 2019:

      Please send a link to the calculator page. The shortcodes all work for me.

      Reply to Graham

  15. Esmeralda on 01 May 2019:

    Hello, how are you?
    I want my calculator show me (below the sliders): number of weekly payments, amount of each payment, monthly rate, total interest, 8% commission

    1. I guess I fill the most of the values already, but I don’t know where the commission goes
    2. Also I am super confused with the output options. I don’t know exactly which shortcode use to get the values ​​mentioned above

    An example:
    number of payments: 16 weekly
    amount of each payment: $ 7,000.00
    Annual rate: 36%
    monthly rate: 3.0%
    total interest: $ 12,000.00
    commission: 8%

    *I don’t know if numbers are ok, but this is the example of how a i want to see the results pf calculation

    The parameters of the calculator are:

    Minimum amount: $ 50,000
    Maximum Amount: $ 150,000
    Minimum term: 3 months
    Maximum period: 24 months
    Rate from 3 to 5 months: 43%
    Rate from 6 to 11 months: 36%
    Rate from 12 to 24: 30%

    Can you help me?
    Thank you, have a nice day!

    Reply to Esmeralda

    • Graham on 05 May 2019:

      Hi Esmeralda,
      I’ve sent you an email with the details on how to do this.

      Reply to Graham

  16. Joe on 24 Apr 2019:

    small typo: [princple] >> [principle]

    Reply to Joe

    • Graham on 24 Apr 2019:

      Thanks Joe, all done. Still trying to fix the other bugs

      Reply to Graham

  17. tariq on 13 Apr 2019:

    Yes. That just calculates interest with (principle+service fee)

    i want the output to show the monthly repayment with service included. eg if the total payment including fees is 5000.
    The output should be 5000/term. im getting 5000 -fees/term

    Reply to tariq

    • Graham on 15 Apr 2019:

      I’ve tested and the fees get added before interest is calculated. So not sure why it’s not working for you.

      Reply to Graham

  18. tariq on 13 Apr 2019:


    How do you display monthly repayments = principal + interest + service fee /months.
    The repayments are calculating before the service fee is added ,displaying excluding the service fee.

    Reply to tariq

    • Graham on 13 Apr 2019:

      Hi Tariq,
      Have you tried using the option to add the fees before interest is calculated?

      Reply to Graham

  19. Ben on 26 Mar 2019:

    how to add the amount of monthly installment?

    Reply to Ben

    • Graham on 26 Mar 2019:

      Hi Ben,
      Just use the [repayment] shortcode as in the example above

      Reply to Graham

  20. Shane on 17 Mar 2019:

    Is it possible to do the following: Home sold for ($xxxxx) amount. You would save 3% = ($xxxxx) amount.

    thank you,

    Reply to Shane

  21. kentneo on 16 Mar 2019:

    Hi Graham,
    I am having problems with the shortcode [princple]. It does not work. Can you help me? Will I do something wrong? My website http://website.ipro.vn/vvt/

    Reply to kentneo

    • Graham on 17 Mar 2019:

      I’ve looked at your site and works correctly

      Reply to Graham

  22. John on 13 Dec 2018:

    Hi Graham
    How do is set max term using teh shortcode? I tried term=5 and maxterm=5 but no joy

    Reply to John

  23. James on 27 Nov 2018:

    Hi, I would like the Loan Period to be in “Years”, and display the repayment amount in “Months”.

    This is an expected requirement in most banks’ calculators. How do i do that ? It seems that if i select the Loan Period in “Years”, the repayment shown will be in “Years” too.

    If there’s no way around this, can i please request a refund on my purchase? thanks and much appreciated.

    Reply to James

    • Graham on 27 Nov 2018:

      Hi James,
      Set the repayment divider to 12 to get monthly repayments. Then use the [repayment] shortcode in the repayment terms.

      Reply to Graham

  24. tariq on 22 Nov 2018:

    hi. how do you get it to output on a new line in “output repayment terms”
    all the outputs go on a single line? should i use a comma or colon etc?

    Reply to tariq

    • Graham on 22 Nov 2018:

      I do this:
      Interest: [rate]<br>Repayment: [repayment] each [period]
      or this:
      p>Interest: <b>[rate]</b></p><p>Repayment: <b>[repayment]</b> each [period]</p>
      or you can use the [table] shortcode

      Reply to Graham

  25. Adam Johnson on 09 Oct 2018:

    Hi there,

    I am trying to do an interest only loan so my [repayment] value seems to be incorrect…from what I can see it is including the actual repayment value too.

    Is there any way of outputting the monthly interest payment?

    Reply to Adam Johnson

    • Graham on 09 Oct 2018:

      Hi Adam,
      I could develop a shortcode for this but it would need a bit of thought as it will have to cope with loan periods of years, months and weeks. All you can do at the moment is output the total interest.

      Reply to Graham

  26. Thanh on 25 Aug 2018:

    Hello, I want to substract an amount from the interest and display this result.
    Ex : interest 20 000€ and downpayment 2 000€, I want to display the result 18 000€.
    Please help me

    Reply to Thanh

    • Graham on 26 Aug 2018:

      Hi Thanh,
      I’m not sure you can do that. Downpayments are usually subtracted from the principle not the interest. In theory it could work but it may be that the downpayment is greater than the interest which would mean you owe them money.

      Reply to Graham

  27. Tim Lester on 01 Aug 2018:

    Hi Graham,
    Thank you for the reply. I put AUD as the currency code but you are right the error doesn’t stop it from working.
    Maybe custom shortcodes or is there a way to execute php (https://wordpress.org/plugins/allow-php-in-posts-and-pages/) to do something like [princple]*0.083 and or other calculations and display in the “Output Options”?

    Kind regards
    Tim Lester

    Reply to Tim Lester

  28. Tim Lester on 31 Jul 2018:

    Thank you for your plugin. I have it at https://payx.com.au/ . I am having trouble with Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/payxcom/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-interest-slider/settings.php on line 193 . Maybe it doesn’t like PHP 7.1?

    I am also have issues with calculating 90% and 8.3% of the slider value.

    Reply to Tim Lester

    • Graham on 31 Jul 2018:

      Hi Tim,
      Not sure why you are seeing the error message. That line is to do with the currency options and shouldn’t affect anything. As to the dual interest rates. You are trying to do something the plugin was never designed to do. I might be able to do something to use the primary and secondary interest rates but it’s not a simple fix.

      Reply to Graham

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